Last Updated on : Sep 20, 2020 (Under Development 🚧 and writing ✍️ Phase)
Disclaimer: This document has highly practical information and resources for you to learn about web using modern Project Based Learning(PBL) approch.
This document is not for exam clearing or passing point of view it is crafted for those who want to learn about the web using Agile Learning and hands-on projects.
🎯🎯The goal of this document is to show you what are major components of building a Website and How you can learn to build something of your own and put it on Internet.
We have tried to keep it simple and start from the basics.
We have also tried our best to simplify the simple terms and we assume you know nothing and want to learn from scratch
Because we all have faced the problem of not 😕 understanding the definition 😕. Definations of Definations will be broken down into 🍰digestible🍰 terms so you know the reference to each word.
You will be taken to the web from developer point of view.
Theory is supported by relevent memes and illustations for ease of understanding.
Web is an Internet based system that serves the purpose of sharing resources from one computing device with other.
Web in English means a network of interconnected elements. As we know many small computing devices are available on those devices and each node has specific value in the system to contribute to Internet. That is where Internet and Web seem similar.
Web works with many file formats but originally it was meant to avail readable files on internet which could be useful for others.
Today we use HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) with other modern technologies to bring a beautiful User Experience.
When Internet started people wanted to share information and resources with other people using other computing devices but there was a problem that the computer or the device which servers the files has to be turned on all day and night for everyone to access specific resources which was not quiet possible with personal computers.
Solution? Some tech businesses started to help people and other small business to bring themselfs by making going to your resources and info easily available to any body 24*7. They created services where people can buy some space to put their content on a system which is connected to internet all time.
An IP Address is logged behind each running website or domain where the web traffic is sent.
An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication.
Bonus: Currently there are 2 Types of IP addresses.
You can study about IP Addresses from other resources but for now just know that IP Address is behind each active domain.
Web is cosidered to be a place where you can find websites you need but for Developers it is more than that. Websites work with https:// (Port 443) or http://(Port 80) domains but under the hood websites communicate with APIs or Websockets to fetch data and resources from other services also.
All the smart phone apps that we use communicate with a server which is hosted on the Web using Domain which has server IP.
That is how we can access same data over the Phone Apps or Web-based apps as the Server is not client side dependent any type of device can ping server if the developers want.
Client Side is anything that pings the website and uses it. User uses Website using Client like Web-browsers from various available devices.
Anything that happens related to logic of the service or the backend it is done on the server side.
There are different programming languages for various purposes in Web Dev and some do fulfill
many purposes.
Client Side Progamming
HTML and CSS are just the Structure and Design parts of Website which cannot be considered as programming laguages as we donot write logics in HTML and CSS.
They are in simple words controlled by JavaScript to function in intractive manner.
Laughter Warning !
JavaScript is the language which executes in user’s browser to provide the functionality to smooth and interative websites.
Programming logic and business logic of a site resides on Server Side. Server Side Programming languges are
Server serves the desired Webpage or API for users. Server is nothing but a port that runs and serves what the Developer has coded.
If you are a developer, You will be working simulating the server on your local machine to develop the desired functioning of server.
Server itself is a specifically configured Computer/PC usually runs on Linux OS and can also run Windows or Mac but practically Linux is useful and widely used, now server has a port opened for public to access it’s resources.
Server is a running service on a port of an IP address which allows web traffic to use it’s resources.
What is Port and opened port
This is an important element of servers and website.
Port :
Computers do not have ports.
Think of it as a virtual place which is available for specific service. If you want to access files on the web you go to port 443(https) or 80 (http) traffic. If you wish to run a database on the server you will be given a 3306 Port Number in case of MySQL.
There are total of 65535 Ports available on a system/PC’s Networking Layers.
Opened Port: The networking protocols like TCP and UDP need the source and destination port to send data to specific service.
Port is always assigned with IP address for Network devices to identify sender and reciever.
General Format to hit a IP at specific Port
Try This
This is Google server’s port 80 means http means the we are hitting the google IP@ Port 80.
Google has configured their server to not use port 80 as the data is not secured over port 80.
You can read about difference between http and https from the web in case and know how https is secure.
Now Test This
This is where our google request is served. Port 443 open for HTTPS request/traffic
By Default Modern Browsers take us to PORT number 443 to achieve https but if we donot have https enabled in our site/server browser then tries port 80 and shows we are using unsecured connection.
More on this will be discussed in coming steps.
Loads normal Google
Why 65535 Ports to be specific
The concept of “ports” is strictly related to the TCP and UDP protocols of the TCP/IP networking stack. From a strictly technical point of view, both TCP and UDP are structured in such a way as to carry several kinds of information (Source port, Destination Port, Sequence Number, Data, etc.). As both “Source port” and “Destination port” are structured (within the TCP and UDP packet) with a 16 bit “field”, here are the limits: source ports and destinations ports can assume all the values that can be represented with 16 bits (aka: from 0 to 65535);
0 to 65535 ‘cause they are both represented with a 16 bit value.
Hosting means putting the site live on ports 80, or 443 on internet.
Think of Hosting as someone else’s computer which can be used as a paid service by you and most importantly it hosting systems are configured to get a static ip and are 24*7 available.
This is a business of the web. Linux machines are available to use as provided by hosting providers at different costs and machine hardware configurations like RAM and storage.
Linux hosting is not the only option as mentioned earlier but for now keep it to linux.
Does that mean you need hosting to start building your website?
No, not yet!
As developers we need to make our website on our available OS or System so we simulate the server on our local OS and build and test the website on local network before starting to pay for a hosting service.
Like all other Linux hosting machines all of computers have basics networking functionality to run local services. The only difference in your personal computer and Hosting service machines is that it is up all day and night with stable internet connection until you can pay .
Your personal Computer can be your server till the time you can keep it turned on.
You will need what’s called a Web-Server Software which will make your pc a server for you and your other network devices connected on the same network.
Keep Reading this document and you will reach on the step for using that software and know that there are many ways to start a local server using different Web-server softwares.
Congratulate yourself as you now have basic understanding of the web and know what are major components in building your own Web-based solution or Website
IDE is an Advanced text-editor specifically built for writing code. IDE helps us with simple tools to ease the workflow and manage the code.
*Le Beginners
Most of devs use Visual Studio Code
Install a IDE like Atom or Visual Studio Code
💡💡Start Downloading Now so VSCode Downloads while you are reading this.💡💡
Everything you are trying to do it already done by someone on the web.
Just enter your errors or question on google and the many resources will be given to you right a way.
Example Doubt:
Case: I am developing a webpage where users can run a JavaScript function or script after clicking a button which will do a task. I know that a button element is needed using which should run a funtion so my search could be
“how to listen to html button click using js”
or “how to run js on html button click”
Keep Following this doc the Project 1 will help you learn basics
There are many resources to learn Basics you can find many on the web.
Note that You should try building it on your personal PC so you can learn by doing](
Understand HTML, CSS and JS Roles
🌎🌎 Remember to follow each walkthrough step
About this Task:
🔨Let’s Break it Down🔨
Example : This Website you are on is a Static Website where you can visit using the github domain and see documentation to learn about Web and Web Development.
What is Github? Github is a code management system in simple words which helps us store or code and code versions/history so we can store our old code even after code changes.
How does Github do it?
Github does this using Git VCS (Version Control System is a Fundamental and essential component of any Software service or product) where code changes can be tracked and stored.
So when we create Github Account it just provides us a cloud based system where we can store our code and collaborate with our Team.
More about Git and Github will be explained as we procced.
Now you Know Github Pages are features in Github where along side maintaining the code you can also host HTML based Code on Github provided Domain.
Example : This URL is a sub-domain of Github which can be created by enabling Github Pages from Github for specific project.
What is Sub-Domain ?
Sub-Domain is an extentsion of a domain. Like Some Companies have extensions to reach out to specific departments. 📠
You must have seen such cool domains yourself while surfing the web.
Example : 🎙 🎙 [Spotify has this domain for Music Artists and Looks very Professional]
Domain names are simple words with .com, .org , .io [Latest on Trend] or .in [For India] as per country. to easily find the relevent online service or website with out remembering each site’s IP address which is like remembering phone numbers of all your contacts without naming them. We know the pain.
You can buy from which seems to be the best for this but there are others like Big Rock or Name Cheap
Let’s Assume you want to launch a web site which sells books online.[Just assume that nothing of this sort is already in the market(in market means on other websites) Just as a test run.]
You will need to to buy a domain name where people can buy your books and visit your site, so let’s get started and find domain on GoDaddy.
You need to see that Domain Names have high value as easier it is to remember the costlier it will be.
Premium Domains Refer to easy Domain Names.
Example 1: [Not Cheap to buy if you are just a startup and don’t have such a price to pay.]
Example 2: Now Let’s Use Give our Startup a Good and Unique Name
Crux: SubDomain Can only be created if you own the corresponding Domain name.
like if you own or for customer care specific portal or pages.
Github creates for us a sub domain with our username followed by { is another domain which is owned by GitHub, Inc.
Using Github Pages and deploying your own static website will help you build your desired HTML CSS Template Based.
👨💻 You will use, learn and work on 👨💻 :
Open VSCode and Find The Extensions Icon from Side Nav Bar.
Search “Live Server” or “LiveServer” to Find an Extension and Install The Extension
Make Sure Your VSCode’s Bottom Tool Bar has
It is recommended that you make a Directory/Folder on your system which you will only use for development related work like “DevelopmentProjects”, “Coding” or any cool name you wish.
Now understand that each one of your project will have a folder dedicated to it. So when you do this project make a folder named whatever you like.
Create Folder
Select ‘WilyerLearnProjects’ or The folder you just created
Create New File and name it index.html
Write some Simple HTML to index.html
In the following Case we have used simple H2 Tag <h2> </h2>
and Added Desired Text
Right Click and Find Option to Open File with Live Server
Select and You will see the browser Window open automatically
If Browser Window does not open then try to use this URL : [This will be explained in coming section] First just check it and run it for yourself.
Note that the value after :(colon) is Port 5500 and same value can be seen in bottom-right section of Tool bar so use the value which is being shown on your system from Photo(5500)
Final URL :
Now Let’s See what is the meaning of 👉 👉 is called LocalHost IP Address. localhost
. Local hoat as defined in intro is a local address of your machine so you can run tests and develop by simulating an original IP Address that is liked with Domains.
:5500 👉 is a Port Number where the Operating System runs specific service.
with following code.Example
Following Video of 30 minutes can help you grab the basics of HTML and all the available Tags that you can use
You can skip this if you know a little about HTML Already.
It is like someone has already done basic UI design so you can build your website elements using that.
Some suggested Templates:
You can Explore more from here
Folder Downloads as .zip file so you will need to Extract to proceed.
Play with the code and make it look like yours.
Add you images, Text make it cool. You can always use the art of googling to clear your doubts.
Add Your Social Media Handles and make it professional.
If (yes){
print("Fasten your seat belts now we are going in the Realm of Git.");
print("As you wish");
Git or Github may seem a intimidating at first but when you know it’s uses and Advantages you will never look back.
Create an account on Github it is developer’s Linkedin. (Hindi) (English) (English)
You will learn about AJAX Request and JavaScript DOM Interaction.
Playing with User inputs in forms and storing in Database.
Database is a service which helps in management and storage of Database.A database is useful if you woould want to store information of users and help them back when they need.
Almost all websites we use store user data for various purposes. Like most websites need us to login to there system and so we can do specific operation with an identity like Email or Username.
In simple terms an entry in database is made when we create an account on a web-based or a software based platform. When we login the program checks if user with the given username or password exists in database and accordingly we can proceed.
Relational DB or NoSQL (Structured or Unstructured DBs)
For Now understand that RDBMS is like an advanced EXCEL Sheet which can be accessed using all Server Side programming languages as the DB is on the Server Side.
(Basic RDBMS) for Starting