InstaGram Live Followers Counter

Building a Live Instagram Followers Counter Website

Why to build this?

There is no exact reason as to why you would want to build such a system even when many sites are available which do the same.


If you are curious about web-technology and want to know how it works this project will teach you all the components that are to be taken in mind while building a Web-based Application which also communicates with an API (Application Programming Interface) - donot get confused with this API just means you can send a request to the server and a valid and relevent data as per the request will be recieved in response as JSON Format which can be parsed in Any programming language.

Following Image may be helpful to understand the flow.


What Tech will I learn?

This is the ultimate Goal so you get gist of how web-tech is built and works.

Following are the Technologies and Stacks that you will be working on:

  • Format JSON Intro and Basics

  • Github

  • HTML , CSS (Bootstrap based Design)

  • JavaScript (Extaracting data from JSON Object, Creating a JSON object to send to the server)

  • Sending POST/GET Requests using JQUERY (Optimsed JS Lib) and making and Handling AJAX Request and JSON Response parsing.

  • JavaScript DOM (HTML UI) Changing and Accessing data from Forms

  • Getting overall familier with JS Event Listners and Funtions

  • Understanding of How websites work

  • !Git Version Control System for Deployments Very important in Software Development!

  • You will gain confidence to build any web-based project which works with APIs and brings Dynamic Content.

Useful Resources

Similar Current Websites

Well there are many sites that do this but they do lack in user Experience. Can be build our own and deploy it… Anyways our priority is Learning

Main Features

  • Beautiful Card based UI

  • Show Profile Photo from JSON

  • Show Name, Username and Blue Tick if yes

  • Show Number of Posts made by account

  • Show a Count up or Down based animation after follower change

  • Show Famous Insta Accounts so user can demo how the system works

  • Smooth Design

  • Show Site Visitor Counter

  • Make PNG Image Fly when new followers are detected

Note : There could be many features that it can have but list given above is minimal thing that it should have.

Development Guide - 101

Practical Steps to Build it

Learning Material

Each Step has Learning Material for understanding and working on the Given Step.

Step 0: Choose IDE you like

Step 1: Design (HTML, CSS using Bootstrap Template)

You will need following material.

Learning Material for (HTML, CSS) Basics

There are many resources to learn Basics you can find many on the web…
Note that You should try building on your personal PC so you can learn by doing

Following HTML Resources may be useful but you can always learn HTML CSS using Google.


We need a Bootstrap Template to start out work.
We need to play with Bootstrap Elements to get gist of how it works.
There are many templates available We also have a template which we can play with.
We have Dummy Design and we have to play with this and design as per desired UI we need.

Use your HTML CSS Skills to place the elements in your fav design.
Following are the Examples for UI Inspiration



Step 3 : Now let’s make those input buttons intractive.

!!JavaScript Tutorial

Donot Download NodeJS as shown in the video as you will not need it for now.

Hiding Elements Onclick

Step : API Intergration

What is API?
API is a web service which is available on a Web address(IP or Domain Name) to do specific action like creating a new user account, getting information of a specific username.
An API provides us access to the data as per request we send.
Example :
Above URL is a Path where the Instagram Open API (Unofficial Term) serves the request which contains a Username to get details of.

Can You Write Your Own API?

Yes! You will need to make your Project’s API in Action Project #3. For Now You will just be interacting with an Existing API to learn.

What is a Request

There are 2 types of Requests

GET Request:

POST Request:

There are other requests also but for now GET and POST knowledge should serve the purpose.

We will be communicating with open Instagram API using JQUERY AJAX Request

Then filter needed data from JSON using JavaScript
Following Image is Demo of Insta API.

What is JSON

JSON is a format in which we can get data from any API and transfer some data using Requests.


Copy the response to
and hit render to understand available data

Git for Collaborative Development

Github, Git Repo Basics